
JS Things 3 multi todos

Posted by Michael Strenk, Last update about 6 years ago

Things 3 multi todo adder

This action splits Things tasks by lines, and then individually adds context to those tags using Drafts JavaScript UI.

If cancel is tapped during the processing of a task, that task is skipped. All skipped are collected and returned into a new Draft once all task line processing is finished.


  • script

    // See below links for detailed explainations of the Javascript used in this script
    // split draft to prepare for iteration
    const lines = draft.content.split("\n");
    var todos = []
    var skipped = []
    var taskNum = 0
    // Begin todo creation loop
    for (line of lines) {
        taskNum += 1
        var p = Prompt.create();
        p.title = "Task " + taskNum + ": " + line;
        // add a task message if desired
        // p.message = "What kind of task is this?";
        p.addTextField("todoNote", "Note: ", "", {
            "placeholder" : "Add details here", 
            "autocorrect" : true, 
            "autocapitalization": "sentences"});
        // Change these buttons to personalize to your own project lists
        // You will also have to change button name 
        // and list in the IF statements starting line 57
        p.addButton("Add to Chores");
        p.addButton("Add to Shopping List");
        p.addButton("Capture Task");
        // Change these tags names to personalize to your own tags
        p.addSelect("tagSelector", "Add a tag to this Task?", ["Focus", "Hanging", "Dash"], [], true);
        p.addSwitch("dateSwitch", "Prioritize this task to today?", false);
        var didSelect =;
        // Create the things todo js object
        var todo = TJSTodo.create();
        todo.title = line;
        todo.notes = p.fieldValues["todoNote"];
        // Conditionals to append details to the todo task object
        if (p.fieldValues["tagSelector"] > 0 ) {
            var mytags = p.fieldValues["tagSelector"];
            todo.tags = mytags.toString();
        // Conditionals to prioritize the task to Today
        if (p.fieldValues["dateSwitch"]) {
            todo.when = "today";
        // if the project button names were changed, 
        // then change the names in this conditional statement too
        if (p.buttonPressed == "Add to Chores") {
            todo.list = "Chores";
        } else if (p.buttonPressed == "Add to Shopping List") {
            todo.list = "Shopping List";
        } else if (p.buttonPressed == "Capture Task") {
            todo.list = "";
        // Ensure that a task is skipped if "Cancel" button is tapped
        if (didSelect === false){
            // log the skipped todos
        // trigger a failed draft action if no todos were logged
    if (todos.length < 1){;
    } else {
        // create a container to handle creation of Things URL
        const container = TJSContainer.create(todos);
        // create and configure callback object
        var cb = CallbackURL.create();
        cb.baseURL = container.url;
        var success =;
        if (success) {
            console.log("Todo created in Things");
            if (skipped.length > 0){
                var d = Draft.create();
                d.content = skipped.join("\n");
                var draftID = d.uuid
                var cb2 = CallbackURL.create();
                cb2.baseURL = "drafts5://x-callback-url/open?uuid=" + draftID;
        else { // something went wrong or was cancelled
            if (cb.status == "cancel") {
            else {


  • After Success Default
    Notification Info
    Log Level Info
Items available in the Drafts Directory are uploaded by community members. Use appropriate caution reviewing downloaded items before use.