Markdown Quotation (>)
Posted by agiletortoise,
Last update
about 4 years ago
Apply Markdown Quote (“> “) at beginning of selected lines.
// make selected lines into Markdown quotation // grab state const [lnStart, lnLen] = editor.getSelectedLineRange(); const lnText = editor.getTextInRange(lnStart, lnLen); const [selStart, selLen] = editor.getSelectedRange(); // setup vars const lines = lnText.split("\n"); const quoteString = "> "; let isFirst = true; let newLines = []; let startAdjust = 0; let lengthAdjust = 0; let flTrailing = false; if (lines[lines.length - 1] == "") { lines.pop(); flTrailing = true; } // just add mark if empty line if (lnText.length == 0 || lnText == "\n") { editor.setSelectedText(quoteString); editor.setSelectedRange(selStart + quoteString.length + 1, 0); } else { // loop over lines for (let line of lines) { newLines.push(quoteString + line); if (isFirst) { startAdjust += quoteString.length; } else { lengthAdjust += quoteString.length; } isFirst = false } // update text if (flTrailing) { newLines.push(""); } editor.setTextInRange(lnStart, lnLen, newLines.join("\n")); // update selection editor.setSelectedRange(selStart + startAdjust, selLen + lengthAdjust); }
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