Posted by Colin Walker,
Last update
over 6 years ago
Prompts for the footnote text and adds both the inline element ( [^1] ) and footnote at end of draft ( [^1]: )
Returns you to where you left off to continue typing.
var p = Prompt.create(); p.isCancellable = "true"; p.title = "Enter the footnote text"; p.addTextView("footnote","","", { "height": 100.0 }); p.addButton("Add"); if ( { var content = editor.getText(); var count = (content.match(/\[\^/g) || []).length; var fn = (count/2) + 1; var selRange = editor.getSelectedRange(); editor.focus(); var inline = "[^"+fn+"]"; if (fn == 1) { var footnote = "\n\n\n[^"+fn+"]: "+p.fieldValues["footnote"]; } else { var footnote = "\n[^"+fn+"]: "+p.fieldValues["footnote"]; } if (p.buttonPressed == "Add") { editor.setSelectedText(inline); content = editor.getText() + footnote; editor.setText(content); editor.setSelectedRange(selRange[0]+inline.length,0); } }
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