JS Outdent
Posted by RoyRogers,
Last update
about 5 years ago
Outdents single or mutliple lines.
Removes two spaces or one tab
// JS Outdent // RV 2020-03-06 at 18:36 EST // Outdents single or mutliple lines. // Removes two spaces or tab. var lnRange = editor.getSelectedLineRange(); var text = editor.getTextInRange(lnRange[0],lnRange[1]); var selRange = editor.getSelectedRange(); var charsAdded = 0; var newText = ''; var lnCount = text.split('\n').length; main: { // Blank line or no indents: if (lnRange[1] == 1 || text.match(/^\S/)) break main; newText = text.replace(/^\t|^ |^ /gm, '') charsAdded = newText.length - text.length; // update text and set new selection: editor.setTextInRange(lnRange[0],lnRange[1], newText); if (lnCount > 2) { editor.setSelectedRange(lnRange[0], lnRange[1] + charsAdded); } else { let offset = 2; if (selRange[0] - lnRange[0] == 0) offset = 0; editor.setSelectedRange(selRange[0] - offset, selRange[1]); } }
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