Due Reminder with Draft Link
Posted by @the_buch,
Last update
about 5 years ago
This action creates a new reminder in Due with a link back to the draft. Prompts for reminder name (include due date/time as natural language with reminder title). This is different than the basic Add to Due action, where you’re creating a reminder from the content of the draft itself. This is good for longer drafts you need to remember to re-visit later, or if you want to create a reminder and link the draft as reference material.
promptKey prompt
promptTitle Prompt
promptMessage Enter reminder title for Due reminder. You can include the due date/time as natural language here.
promptButtons OK
includeTextField true
textFieldDefault includeCancelButton true
template due://x-callback-url/add?title=[[prompt_text]]%20[[draft_open_url]]
waitForResponse false
encodeTags true
After Success Default Notification Info Log Level Error
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