
Sort lines (ignore case and articles)

Posted by dchar, Last update about 5 years ago

Sort lines of a draft ignoring case and leading articles (a, an, the).


  • script

    // Sort ignoring article
    const rmArticle = (s) => {
      return s.replace(/^(?:(a|an|the) +)/g, "");
    const cmp = (a,b) => {
      a = a.toLowerCase();
      b = b.toLowerCase();
      a = rmArticle(a);
      b = rmArticle(b);
      return a === b ? 0 : a < b ? -1 : 1;
    let l = editor.getText().split('\n');
    l = l.filter(l => l.trim());
    editor.setText(l.join('\n') + '\n');


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