Sort Lines...
Posted by agiletortoise,
Last update
about 5 years ago
Sort lines in alpha order, with options for case-sensitivity and destination for sorted text.
// sort methods function alphaSort(vals, caseSensitive, ascending) { let result = vals.sort(function(a, b) { if (!caseSensitive) { a = a.toLowerCase(); b = b.toLowerCase(); } return a.localeCompare(b); }); if (!ascending) { result = result.reverse(); } return result; }
// prompt for sort options and run let f = () => { let p = Prompt.create(); p.title = "Sort Lines"; p.message = "Sort lines in the text selection"; p.addSwitch("cs", "Case sensitive", true); p.addSwitch("asc", "Sort ascending", true); p.addSelect("output", "Output", ["Replace selection", "Clipboard", "New draft"], ["Replace selection"], false); p.addButton("Sort Lines"); if (! { return false; } const cs = p.fieldValues["cs"]; const asc = p.fieldValues["asc"]; const [st, len] = editor.getSelectedLineRange(); const ln = editor.getTextInRange(st, len); const lines = ln.split('\n'); const sortedLines = alphaSort(lines, cs, asc); const result = sortedLines.join("\n"); const output = p.fieldValues["output"][0]; switch(output) { case "Replace selection": editor.setTextInRange(st, len, result); break; case "Clipboard": app.setClipboard(result); break; case "New draft": let d = Draft.create(); d.content = result; d.update(); editor.load(d); break; } return true; } if (!f()) { context.cancel(); }
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