
Stats (selection)

Posted by agiletortoise, Last update about 5 years ago

Calculate and present preview of common readability statistics for the current text selection.


  • script

    // Make sure draft is not blank first...
    let selectedText = editor.getSelectedText();
    if (selectedText.length == 0) {
       alert("Empty text selection. Text required to calculate statistics.");
  • script

    // Show alert displaying common text statistics for current draft
    // Includes syllable counts, Flesh-Kincaid, SMOG index scoring, etc.
    // adapted from...
    // TextStatistics.js
    // Christopher Giffard (2012)
    // 1:1 API Fork of TextStatistics.php by Dave Child (Thanks mate!)
    function cleanText(text) {
    	// all these tags should be preceeded by a full stop. 
    	var fullStopTags = ['li', 'p', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'dd'];
    	fullStopTags.forEach(function(tag) {
    		text = text.replace("</" + tag + ">",".");
    	text = text
    		.replace(/<[^>]+>/g, "")				// Strip tags
    		.replace(/[,:;()\-]/, " ")				// Replace commans, hyphens etc (count them as spaces)
    		.replace(/[\.!?]/, ".")					// Unify terminators
    		.replace(/^\s+/,"")						// Strip leading whitespace
    		.replace(/[ ]*(\n|\r\n|\r)[ ]*/," ")	// Replace new lines with spaces
    		.replace(/([\.])[\. ]+/,".")			// Check for duplicated terminators
    		.replace(/[ ]*([\.])/,". ")				// Pad sentence terminators
    		.replace(/\s+/," ")						// Remove multiple spaces
    		.replace(/\s+$/,"");					// Strip trailing whitespace
    	text += "."; // Add final terminator, just in case it's missing.
    	return text;
    var TextStatistics = function TextStatistics(text) {
    	this.text = text ? cleanText(text) : this.text;
    TextStatistics.prototype.fleschKincaidReadingEase = function(text) {
    	text = text ? cleanText(text) : this.text;
    	return Math.round((206.835 - (1.015 * this.averageWordsPerSentence(text)) - (84.6 * this.averageSyllablesPerWord(text)))*10)/10;
    TextStatistics.prototype.fleschKincaidGradeLevel = function(text) {
    	text = text ? cleanText(text) : this.text;
    	return Math.round(((0.39 * this.averageWordsPerSentence(text)) + (11.8 * this.averageSyllablesPerWord(text)) - 15.59)*10)/10;
    TextStatistics.prototype.gunningFogScore = function(text) {
    	text = text ? cleanText(text) : this.text;
    	return Math.round(((this.averageWordsPerSentence(text) + this.percentageWordsWithThreeSyllables(text, false)) * 0.4)*10)/10;
    TextStatistics.prototype.colemanLiauIndex = function(text) {
    	text = text ? cleanText(text) : this.text;
    	return Math.round(((5.89 * (this.letterCount(text) / this.wordCount(text))) - (0.3 * (this.sentenceCount(text) / this.wordCount(text))) - 15.8 ) *10)/10;
    TextStatistics.prototype.smogIndex = function(text) {
    	text = text ? cleanText(text) : this.text;
    	return Math.round(1.043 * Math.sqrt((this.wordsWithThreeSyllables(text) * (30 / this.sentenceCount(text))) + 3.1291)*10)/10;
    TextStatistics.prototype.automatedReadabilityIndex = function(text) {
    	text = text ? cleanText(text) : this.text;
    	return Math.round(((4.71 * (this.letterCount(text) / this.wordCount(text))) + (0.5 * (this.wordCount(text) / this.sentenceCount(text))) - 21.43)*10)/10;
    TextStatistics.prototype.textLength = function(text) {
    	text = text ? cleanText(text) : this.text;
    	return text.length;
    TextStatistics.prototype.letterCount = function(text) {
    	text = text ? cleanText(text) : this.text;
    	text = text.replace(/[^a-z]+/ig,"");
    	return text.length;
    TextStatistics.prototype.sentenceCount = function(text) {
    	text = text ? cleanText(text) : this.text;
    	// Will be tripped up by "Mr." or "U.K.". Not a major concern at this point.
    	return text.replace(/[^\.!?]/g, '').length || 1;
    TextStatistics.prototype.wordCount = function(text) {
    	text = text ? cleanText(text) : this.text;
    	return text.split(/[^a-z0-9]+/i).length || 1;
    TextStatistics.prototype.averageWordsPerSentence = function(text) {
    	text = text ? cleanText(text) : this.text;
    	return this.wordCount(text) / this.sentenceCount(text);
    TextStatistics.prototype.averageSyllablesPerWord = function(text) {
    	text = text ? cleanText(text) : this.text;
    	var syllableCount = 0, wordCount = this.wordCount(text), self = this;
    	text.split(/\s+/).forEach(function(word) {
    		syllableCount += self.syllableCount(word);
    	// Prevent NaN...
    	return (syllableCount||1) / (wordCount||1);
    TextStatistics.prototype.wordsWithThreeSyllables = function(text, countProperNouns) {
    	text = text ? cleanText(text) : this.text;
    	var longWordCount = 0, self = this;
    	countProperNouns = countProperNouns === false ? false : true;
    	text.split(/\s+/).forEach(function(word) {
    		// We don't count proper nouns or capitalised words if the countProperNouns attribute is set.
    		// Defaults to true.
    		if (!word.match(/^[A-Z]/) || countProperNouns) {
    			if (self.syllableCount(word) > 2) longWordCount ++;
    	return longWordCount;
    TextStatistics.prototype.percentageWordsWithThreeSyllables = function(text, countProperNouns) {
    	text = text ? cleanText(text) : this.text;
    	return (this.wordsWithThreeSyllables(text,countProperNouns) / this.wordCount(text)) * 100;
    TextStatistics.prototype.syllableCount = function(word) {
    	var syllableCount = 0,
    		prefixSuffixCount = 0,
    		wordPartCount = 0;
    	// Prepare word - make lower case and remove non-word characters
    	word = word.toLowerCase().replace(/[^a-z]/g,"");
    	// Specific common exceptions that don't follow the rule set below are handled individually
    	// Array of problem words (with word as key, syllable count as value)
    	var problemWords = {
    		"simile":		3,
    		"forever":		3,
    		"shoreline":	2
    	// Return if we've hit one of those...
    	if (problemWords.hasOwnProperty(word)) return problemWords[word];
    	// These syllables would be counted as two but should be one
    	var subSyllables = [
    		/^[dr]e[aeiou][^aeiou]+$/, // Sorts out deal, deign etc
    		/[aeiouy]rse$/ // Purse, hearse
    	// These syllables would be counted as one but should be two
    	var addSyllables = [
    	// Single syllable prefixes and suffixes
    	var prefixSuffix = [
    	// Remove prefixes and suffixes and count how many were taken
    	prefixSuffix.forEach(function(regex) {
    		if (word.match(regex)) {
    			word = word.replace(regex,"");
    			prefixSuffixCount ++;
    	wordPartCount = word
    		.filter(function(wordPart) {
    			return !!wordPart.replace(/\s+/ig,"").length
    	// Get preliminary syllable count...
    	syllableCount = wordPartCount + prefixSuffixCount;
    	// Some syllables do not follow normal rules - check for them
    	subSyllables.forEach(function(syllable) {
    		if (word.match(syllable)) syllableCount --;
    	addSyllables.forEach(function(syllable) {
    		if (word.match(syllable)) syllableCount ++;
    	return syllableCount || 1;
    function textStatistics(text) {
    	return new TextStatistics(text);
    var result = "";
    var s = selectedText;
    var stats = textStatistics(s);
    var t = ["<table>"];
    function addRow(key, val, link) {
    	t.push("<tr><td class='lbl'>");
    	t.push("</td><td class='val'>");
    	if (link) {
    		t.push("<a href='" + link + "'>info</a>");
    	else {
    addRow("Words", stats.wordCount());
    addRow("Sentences", stats.sentenceCount());
    addRow("Words per sentence", Math.round(stats.averageWordsPerSentence(), 2));
    addRow("Flesch-Kincaid Ease", stats.fleschKincaidReadingEase(), "");
    addRow("Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level", stats.fleschKincaidGradeLevel(), "");
    addRow("Gunning Fog", stats.gunningFogScore(), "");
    addRow("SMOG Index", stats.smogIndex(), "");
    addRow("Automated Readability", stats.automatedReadabilityIndex(), "");
    addRow("Coleman Liau", stats.colemanLiauIndex(), "");
    draft.setTemplateTag("htmltable", t.join(""));
  • script

    // create theme sensitive css for preview
    if (app.themeMode == 'dark') {
    	var css = "html, body { background: #222; color: #ddd; }";
    	draft.setTemplateTag("bodystyle", css);
    else {
    	var css = "html, body { background: #fff; color: #444; }";
    	draft.setTemplateTag("bodystyle", css);
  • htmlpreview

    <!DOCTYPE html>
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    <h2>Draft Statistics</h2>


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