Cross link drafts
Posted by @jsamlarose,
Last update
over 5 years ago
Prompt to select an existing draft, insert link to selected draft at the last cursor position and append link for current draft to selected draft
Slight tweak of Insert Draft at Cursor
// select and existing draft // insert its content in the current draft // at the cursor position let f = () => { // select an existing draft let d = app.selectDraft(); if (!d) { return false; } // insert link to target draft let [st, len] = editor.getSelectedRange(); editor.setSelectedText("["+d.title+"]("+d.permalink+")"); editor.setSelectedRange(st+4+d.title.length+d.permalink.length, 0); // append link for current draft to target d.content = d.content + "\n" + "["+draft.title+"]("+draft.permalink+")"; d.update(); return true; } if (!f()) { context.cancel(); }
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